PRO-Choice Disclaimer

This site is intended for educational purposes regarding a woman's right to choose. If you are morally or ethically opposed to a woman's LEGAL right to choose what to do with her body, then this site is obviously not for you, and you may wish to find information elsewhere.

*The information is not a substitute for medical advice, medical aid in an emergency or a high-risk situation. In these cases, you must be wise and consult a medical, natural or other health care professional.
Unfortunately I have to tell you that nothing I tell you is scientifically proven. It is my opinion, old wives' tales, and not FDA approved.
I am but a humble story teller, for all intents and purposes. If you want the real scoop backed up, call your local naturopath.

If you choose to proceed, please read every word. This is too important of an issue to skimp on the information.