Natural & PRO-Choice

Glad to be an American - AND a Woman!

In the US, we have been fortunate to be born or to live in a country where we have the freedom to choose what to do with our far. We pray that continues.

We can all decide in the privacy of our home whether we want to conceive. If we should unfortunately conceive at a time we are not ready, we may decide not to allow the conception to result on a full term pregnancy.

If you live in a country where abortion is illegal, this site will give you some much-needed information to possibly exercise the right to choose that you should have.

Diffusing the Shame

The beauty of herbal remedies is that there are no picketers and protesters blocking the entrances to the clinic. There is no judgment or shaming. Having an unwanted pregnancy is not something we take lightly, and abortion is not a form of birth control. We all have someone or some voice to answer to inside of us.

I was an extremely fertile woman in my reproductive years. I had problems, however, with birth control pills (reactions to the hormones), condoms (sensitivity), diaphragm (got pregnant with my middle child) and any other method we tried. Natural fertility planning and breastfeeding were pretty effective, but there were occasional 'oopses'. Many people do not want to discuss the mistakes, because they are ashamed. Let's remove the shame. I'll tell you my history.

I had my first child by cesarean at 19. I had a surgical abortion two years later. I had another cesarean at 23,
a successful herbal abortion a year later, a miscarriage a year later, an unattended HBAC (home birth after cesarean) at 26, ectopic pregnancy (found after an herbal abortion attempt, and a surgical abortion when I thought "what are the chances of getting pregnant the first month with only one tube?"

So we all have our reasons. They are for no one to judge. We live with the consequences of the choices we make every day. I can honestly say that personally, I do not regret any choices I have made, reproductively. The answers all came around eventually. I do not have guilt.

When I look at the world today, and I watch the news, it hurts my heart to see the unwanted children who are dying at the hands of the parents who I feel should never have had them if they weren't willing or able to give them up or love them. I have so much respect for my sister, who chose not to have children- period.


It seems everybody is the judge and jury these days. This option bypasses having to deal with an already difficult situation.

Terminating a pregnancy herbally is an important alternative that can be done privately and safely if you educate yourself. Herbs can be ordered, perfectly legally online, and the whole process can be done in the privacy of your own home. It's the one place you can always go - your sanctuary.

*You must always be willing and able to back up the natural process with a surgical abortion if needed. This is your body. You must take care of it. That means if medical intervention becomes necessary, please do not put yourself in danger. You simply go to your doctor or other health care worker and tell them you are having a miscarriage and they do the rest.
